
Monday, April 24, 2017

Facebook...or Brainbook??? Facebook is looking into the future...

And it’s a little Sci-Fi. In an article on TIME's website written by Lisa Eadicicco, Facebook's VP Regina Dugan announced that they are working toward a Facebook that is powered guessed it...your brain. Typing at approximately 100 words per minute, Dugan claims it will be capable of "decoding a person's neural activity." Dugan also stated that the program may also help those with communication disorders. 

While this was not the only futuristic plan Dugan spoke about, it does seem like it might be the most controversial. While the technology needed to produce this kind of program is years, if not decades, away from creation, there are already some potentially major problems with this kind of program. 

For example, privacy may be of cause for concern when it comes to a program that knows what you are thinking and is able to post those thoughts onto the largest social media platform. Maybe it's just me, but I filter a LOT of my thoughts before I say them out loud. I do that even more so when I'm typing on the internet. 

Luckily, this program and others like it are still miles away from being created, and in the meantime, perhaps Ms. Dugan will come up with answers to some of the more concerning aspects of their future-facebook. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Twitter to the Rescue

I read an article today that turned out to be a two-part piece on the recent lawsuit filed against the federal government by Twitter. It piqued my interest. In an article where the author remains "null" from TIME, I learned that Twitter was defending the rights of our First Amendment by refusing to share the names of account-holders who spoke negatively of President Trump and other government organizations and agencies.

Calling themselves "ALT," these groups challenged the new regimes policies, and gained a lot of media attention. One account in particular, "@ALT_uscis" posted material that was very anti-Trump, prompting government officials to demand the individual's identity. This sparked Twitter to file the lawsuit.

"The rights of free speech afforded Twitter ’s users and Twitter itself under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution include a right to disseminate such anonymous or pseudonymous political speech,"

This lawsuit was almost as quickly dropped, as the government rescinded its demand for @ALT_uscis' identity.

My opinion? Bravo Twitter. Unless the Twitter user broke laws, instigated fighting or violence of any kind against another person, place or event, there is NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER for the government to demolish our First Amendment right to freedom of speech. They have no authority to do so and I will stand by any organization who upholds that right.

Our First Amendment Rights are explained here. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Education of Fake News

Keeping with the theme of change, I found a rather interesting article on The Guardian written by Haroon Siddique, in which he reports on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's call for education of children on fake news. Andreas Schleicher, the leader of the organization said that teachers, always meant to guide children, are the right choice to pass along this knowledge on how to spot fake news and tell the difference between it and real news.

I absolutely support this cause. Every single day, on Facebook and Twitter, I see countless articles shared and tweeted, spreading news from non-reputable sources. I've even seen article shared, in all seriousness, from well-known satirical news site The Onion. Because of how easily news is shared on social media sites like Facebook, I think people are becoming more and more ignorant.

Teaching children at a young age the steps to take to verify news sources, and teaching them the difference between real and fake news, could change things on a grand scale. With fake news understood, future adults will vote differently. Presidents and laws will be implemented based on facts, rather than rhetoric.

The basics for spotting fake news.

The article highlights Schleicher saying that it is unlikely that a new curriculum will be created for this type of learning exercise, but rather the building of skills already being developed in the education system.

Can you imagine what our world could be if people were educated when making decisisons that not only affect themselves, but perhaps our entire world?

Children are the future. They should have the knowledge to be.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Youtube TV - A New Media for the New Media Generation??

Every blog post I create is a discussion on a new form of media and how it affects us. This week, I thought I would take on a different story from my usual feel-good genre.  Let's look at something media related, but not necessarily in the Social Media Soldiers category.

According to a Time article by Lisa Eadicicco, YouTube announced their evolution into streaming TV with YouTube TV, a service they plan to provide later this year. For $35 a month, you can watch channels like ACB, CBS and Fox. In addition to this low-cost service, YouTube is offering an unlimited DVR cloud storage and up to six accounts with their own unlimited storage space.

While this article seemed skeptical of the success of this new media project, I think this is HUGE. Yes, the number of channels that will be originally offered might be small, but look at the potential here. Unlimited space to record your favorite shows, and at a fraction of the cost one would pay for cable or satellite TV. Not to mention, there is no contract. You can cancel your membership whenever you'd like with no penalties. YouTube is one of the most visited websites on the internet and now they are giving us what we want, which is the world at our fingertips.

Easicicco goes on further to compare the other competitive programs that are similar to YouTube TV and I would say to a consumer--this is important to research. Never jump into a purchase of any kind without making sure it suits your needs better than all the other choices out there. One beautiful thing about our new media is that your options and choices are vast and it is your duty as a consumer to choose the best one for you.

Kudos to YouTube. Well done.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Social Media Brings Us Together

I recently read another article that I feel is in close connection to my earlier post. I want to stick with topics of how new media outlets are trying to bring us together, whether that is for a particular agenda, or just in a generalized sense of good will.

Recently, TIME author Abigail Abrams posted an interesting article about Mark Zuckerberg's letter he posted to Facebook. Here, Mark Zuckerberg insists he wants to use Facebook for new and exciting idea on how to bring our global community closer together. In this letter addressed "To Our Community" Zuckerberg brings up topics such as safety, terrorism, fake news, and bringing humanity together. Also in this letter are some large goals that Zuckerberg sets for Facebook, and some great success stories in which people are already beginning to demonstrate these goals.

Mark Zuckerberg - Founder of Facebook and Global Humanist

Zuckerberg says in his letter, "There are many of us who stand for bringing people together and connecting the world. I hope we have the focus to take the long view and build the new social infrastructure to create the world we want for generations to come." His ideas include developing social infrastructures that further supportive, safe, informed, civically-engaged, and inclusive global communities. These five areas of work outline Zuckerberg's letter in which he states that these are the ways to create "collective values," "common humanity," and "common understanding" on a global scale.

I am wholly impressed by this letter, honestly. The new media leaders of my generation continue to work uncompromisingly to promote a better global experience for everyone. Their desire to bring the world together and to destroy hate resonates with me and I'm sure many of you reading this. While Ms. Abrams article was short and seemed to indicate that the letter was not specific enough, I disagree. Letters written with this kind of intent often cannot be specific, because they encompass ideas so monumental. There are too many ideas and situations in which Facebook can make Zuckerberg's ambitions a reality, that to specify much more than he did would leave many of them out.

Every time someone steps up and gives support for idealist goals, like bringing the world together, I am filled with hope that some day in the future, we will succeed in building global relationships that promote peace and understanding.

Well done, Mr. Zuckerberg. Well done.

Mark Zuckerberg was TIME's 2010 Person of the Year. Today, he is mine. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Social Media Stands Together

I recently read an article on Cnet that gave me hope for my generation. If you've paid attention to the news at all, you will have seen that this past weekend, newly-elected President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning immigration from seven countries. Regardless of anyone's opinion on this matter--including mine--this was big news. As many people's lives were disrupted by this action, one message was abundantly clear: Our media would not stand for it!

According to Ian Sherr of Cnet news, dozens of the most popular media founders, owners, and business executives flocked to social media sites to voice their opinions, concerns and outrage at the executive order. Sherr reported that Facebook, Apple, Google, Twitter, Microsoft and many other companies expressed their criticism of the new president's actions. Other companies, like Uber, Netflix, and large technology corporations have joined in, showing their support of the movement and calling for the ban to be lifted. These same companies have begun raising money, donating, or writing letters to forward their cause. Several of them have spoken out about their own immigrant heritage, sparking a global discussion of opposition against the order.

President Donald Trump

As I stated earlier, this article gave me hope for my generation. Whether you consider yourself a 90s kid or a millennial, social media has become a far-reaching platform where globalized communities have been formed and bonds have been made. Yet, somehow, we have a reputation for not caring about politics or the events that are shaping our world. After reading this article, I have to say that I think we have been underestimated. I looked at this article as more than just someone saying "Hey. Everyone is mad about this executive order." I looked into the media effects of what the article says and saw hope. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are creating conversations amongst the generations who have a stereotyped disregard for anyone other than themselves. We know that social media puts us in contact with the world, but it also puts the world in contact with us. And in doing so, we have become a connected unit of people willing to stand up for what we believe in, in a whole new way.

Immigration Ban Pickets

While the article sticks closely to just reporting on what these tech-world leaders are saying and doing, I want to see how these actions contribute to my generation's voice. Social media platforms have given my generation the ability to voice opinions, along with the ability to hear the opinion's of those who have shaped our world and our media. We are a whole new generation with our own processes and tools to shape the world. Seeing how the technological world comes together to not only voice their opinion, but also take action to help their cause, cements my belief that my generation will save the world.

Tayla Madaris

Social Media

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello everyone! Blogging is pretty new to me, but I will have much more interesting posts concerning media and the effects of new media on our culture, the internet and much more! For now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tayla, and I'm a college student. I have 6 beautiful cats who I think are amazing. I'm currently studying for my bachelor's degree in Communication with a concentration on media studies and effects. I enjoy writing, photography, reading fiction and watching documentaries concerning outer space. I hope you enjoy my upcoming blog posts, as I wish to see them as a communication between you all and I. Feel free to message me, share this blog or comment on it. Thanks so much!!